All parents of choir students are considered members of the Booster Club.
The HPHS Choir Booster Club is an all-volunteer, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, which, in compliance with the policies set by HPISD and the choral staff, exists to:
SERVE and SUPPORT the Scots Choir students, parents, and directors by creating, planning, and implementing an environment of excellence through fundraising, scholarships, hospitality, communication, and volunteerism.
PROMOTE music culture in the community through concerts, activities, and outreach.
FOSTER relationships among current and future choir parents, students, teachers, HPISD and the public at large.
2023-24 General Booster Club Meetings
August 29, October 18, January 09, February 20 & March 27
Meetings will take place at 6pm in the Learning Theater EC228 or the Choir Room.
Executive Board Meetings
August 23, September 28, November 16, January 9
Time and place will be announced prior to meeting date.
2023-2024 Executive Board
Co-President: Sandra Carroll
Co-President: Melanie Bright
President-Elect: OPEN
VP Communications: Meg Sartain
Co-VP Fundraising: Becky Ethridge
Co-VP Fundraising: Claire York
Treasurer: Kyle Huckaby
Treasurer-Elect: Becky Ethridge
Secretary: Carol Piering
Parliamentarian: Julie Melihercik
2023-2024 Committee Chairs
Banquet Chair: Cara Pierce
Publicity: Carrie Martinez
Raffle Chair: Claire York
Transportation: Bryan Pacholski
Trip Coordinator: Diana Newberry
Trip Coordinator: Lesley Rhodes
Trip Coordinator-Elect: OPEN
TMEA Coordinator: Insha Luthra
Women's Uniforms: Rachel Blaylock
Men's Uniforms: Katrina Bradford
Choir Merchandise: Ashley Meece
Choir Class Parents
Park Version: Jeannie Denton
Park Version: Meg Sartain
Lads & Lassies: Jenny Mattison
Treble Select: Tracy Port Melech
Concert Treble: OPEN
Concert Treble-Bass: OPEN